The Center was established to do research on extractive industries, infrastructure investment, energy, and agroindustry and will serve as a space for this research community to grow. Initially bridging the Graduate School of Geography, Department of Sustainability and Social Justice (formerly IDCE), George Perkins Marsh Institute and the new Earth conversation. The Center will also work to engage other departments and teaching programs at Clark and elsewhere.

The Clark Center for the Study of Natural Resource Extraction and Society

Abous Us
Extractives@Clark is a group of faculty members and students with a cross-disciplinary approach to research on resource extraction, with a particular focus on theory and methodology coming from political ecology, development studies, landscape ecology, and geographic information science and remote sensing. We are geographers, historians, social scientists, and scholars of development who wish to broaden the definition of natural resource extraction and better understand its shape, dynamics and consequences under a variety of environmental and governance contexts.

Our current project involves predictive modeling of the relationships among infrastructure, resource extraction, and environmental governance in Latin American forests through the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center. Take a look at the full scope of the project and some of the other important projects Extractives@Clark has worked on.
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Latest Journal Articles
- Marimón, P. D., Bebbington, D. H., Bebbington, A. J., Sauls, L. A., Cuba, N., Chicchon, A., Hecht, S., Rogan, J., Ray, R., Diaz, O., Kandel, S., Osborne, T., Rivera, M., & Zalles, V. (2021). ‘Tradescapes’ in the forest: Framing infrastructure’s relation to territory, commodities, and flows. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 53, 29–36. View Paper…
- Bebbington, A., Chicchon, A., Cuba, N., Greenspan, E., Hecht, S., Bebbington, D. H., Kandel, S., Osborne, T., Ray, R., Rogan, J., & Sauls, L. (2020). Opinion: Priorities for governing large-scale infrastructure in the tropics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(36), 21829. View Paper…
- T. Toumbourou, M. Muhdar, T. Werner, and A. Bebbington (2020). “Political ecologies of the post-mining landscape: Activism, resistance, and legal struggles over Kalimantan’s coal mines.” Energy Research & Social Science. View Paper…
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